Written by Kehan Harman who lives in Roleystone and works in Perth, Western Australia at Gaia Resources building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter.
Editing from GitHub directly
July 30, 2019It’s possible to directly edit a page directly on GitHub using the Create new file button. It allows you to create directories and files…
Writing a blog post via git on a plane
July 19, 2019I’m currently sitting on a plane writing this blog post. The static site generator that I’m using (Gatsby) allows me to edit the post and…
Experimenting with Amplify as a CI/CD framework for managing this site.
July 18, 2019I’m running this site using the static site generator, Gatsby.js. I’ve been interested in AWS Lambda and Serverless for some time. However…
Hello World
July 13, 2019This is my first post on my new blog from Cairns, Far North Queensland! Currently up here enjoying a family holiday in the wet tropics.